Samantha & Jamo
Jamo the Pig post! ?
So, Samantha sent an email to Eleanor, booking her grad portrait and asked if she could bring in a prop.
Those who know me, understand that I’m a pretty strict traditionalist when it comes to formal grad portraits. I won’t even use plastic flowers, fake diplomas or books. That said, every year I let a few special artifacts make an appearance (past examples have included Aboriginal artifacts, running shoes, a school bell and a pizza box from The Wheel).
It’s funny, but as the shoot date approached, I kind of got nervous for some reason. I’d try to self-talk saying, “it’s literally just a pig, relax!”, but then I thought “exactly.. it’s a pig! I’ve got to knock this one out of the park!”
So in comes Samantha and her partner (who acted excellently as Jamo’s handler) and Jamo himself. I had to have a quick sit down to learn a bit of back story: Jamo has been with this couple for about four months. Samantha’s landlord took some convincing to allow the hoofed tenant (um.. ya?). Jamo is capable of learning many of the same tricks as a dog. Jamo uses a litter box. Jamo uses a ramp because his legs are too short for stairs (?). Jamo is popular in town and likes to visit many non-food restaurants especially Central/Kent and Mark’s Work Wearhouse.
Samantha had her traditional grad portraits, then we went for round two while she was holding Jamo. Jamo was fairly well behaved (for a pig). He was very vocal. Like, he was constantly making noise expressing his pleasure, displeasure, boredom and frustration. I don’t know what else I was expecting really, but this caught me off guard a bit.
Then I insisted that we do a follow up shoot on my grey canvas backdrop on an antique plush velvet chair with a fan blowing Samantha’s hair because…. well…. #minipig .
So, that’s my story of a formal portrait shoot with a mini-pig and if you want to see all the portraits just click on the link in the comments and check them out on my blog.
Stay weird #stfx. #stfxgrad #stfxgrad2017 #stfxgrad2018 StFX University Spotted at StFX StFX Athletics Antigonish, Nova Scotia St. Francis Xavier
Follow Jamo on Instagram @jamothemicropig
Follow Me on Instagram @johndavidphotos